
November 2012

November, 2011

Thumbnail Ideas for Local News

Double edged victimizer. (unfinished)

Simplified symbolism.

Symbolic Discomfort/ Horrormance
Vagina Dentata, (unfinished Horrormance)

Thumbnail for, The Tell Tale Heart, by Edgar Allen Poe

Vingette For: The Tell Tale Heart, The vultures eye.

3 point perspective, abstract architecture

Thumbnails for Mumin Troll story.

Sniff finds a cave. (collage)

Photshopped version.

January, 2012
Sunday Radio-Preaching Hypocricy
 (inspireret af Tom Waits. Angels in Heaven)

(Unfinished) Family sitting at the dinner table listening to the sunday radio service.

Thumbnails for Bo´s song, Four Straws Long.

Humanoid Beetle (Dung beetle/ Scarab)

A more human suggestion.

My human Beetle Style Warrior

     Curly                      Moe                        Larry           
The three stooges as Mafioso.

April, 2013 Visual Story telling

October 2013

Paraphrase of the school of Athens (originally by Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino ) the assignment was to create pictures somehow related to limestone, so I chose 3 famous fresco paintings from the renaissance and paraphrased each of them.
In this picture I have physically cut and glued the faces of the current American Cabinet onto the original faces of great philosophers, mathmeticians, artisans and Artists. 

Paraphrase of the Sisteenth Chapel (Originally by Michelangelo di Lodovico)
This is a clay relief of the paraphrase orinally done by

Paraphrase of the last supper (Originally by Leonardo Da Vinci)
In this paraphrase I chose to replace the disciples with different symbols each representing a sect and alternate interpretation of Jesus christ's legacy.

 November 2013

Textures I created for the animation film: Marvelous Marble 

 Kalcite is a trigonal chrystal structure of compressed limestone. It has three different shapes, Dipyramid, Rhombohedron and Scalenohedron, which rougly translates to; double three sided pyramid, rectangular boxes, double four sided pyramid. It was drawn in ms paint, due to my lack of photoshop skills and unwillingness to learn.

 Again drawn in ms paint. I was inspired by a picture of some fossils.