Noticeable proportional disformity. Elongated limbs and overall disproportional. I like the face best. Also the composition was not well placed, as she did not fill out the paper.
(Oct, 2011)
Second study at TAW, 45 minutes.
Still prone to elongated limbs and not conforming to reality. So whats new? Faces are still my favorite part.
(Oct, 2011) 30 Minutes.
That day I had a fresh point of view. Instead of elongating everything, I seemed to add girth and weight... Especially the models thighs and hips were protrayed with 5 to 10 kg more than they were. Also it seems that I have a tendency to make masculine/wide backs. I like drawing hair.
(Oct, 2011) 1 hour
Her back has maybe one or to extra vertebrae inserted but apart from her long back and arms to match, I feel like the shading values have become a more integrated part of my drawings, although I am still fighting with how to accomplish the right form of etching to add curve/ dimension to my drawing.
(Oct, 2011) 1½ hour.
Our model is quite slender but perhaps I amplified that a bit too much through my minds-eye filter.. Hair, face and breasts I find to be pleasantly challanging and also yield good proportions to my own subjective opinion.
(Nov, 2011) Study of spherical and eliptical shapes.
We were asked to draw circles and elipses contiuously for a couple of hours or so and this is part of what i produced. We were epsecially reminded to watch out for sharpened turns
(making them cease to be curves) on our elipses. That however was not my primary concern as some of my elipses were kinda lumpy, so I wanted to improve on that first.
(Nov, 2011) Study of spherical shapes and their overlapping. I grasped the concept of it but i could do with more practice in performing an overlapping to give that illusion of depth, which is so vital in giving life to a drawing and/or painting.
(Nov, 2011) Still Leben Study for 1 hour.
I was distracted during that time and so I did not get very far. I was told that graphically it was a good drawing, with good attention to detail and also kompostion wise it was an interesting choice. The assignment in and of it self was actually not completed as I was not supposed to draw outlines like had been doing since the beginning, but to draw around the object showing the circular motion in depth, even if it meant showing the lines through the object.(Nov, 2011) Second Still Leben lasting 2 hours.
Again I did not use the timelimit fully... After the previous failure in showing depth I now had a new method of approach. The result: a crooked coffee pot. I need to use guidelines. Swallow pride and admit it.
(Nov, 2011) 3 hour study.
I used my guideline technique that I recently acquired from drawing croquis and it was definitely a lot easier to capture the right proportions this time. Her back is still a little wide though, and her neck as a result is also rather thick. I am beginning to grasp the value placement, what lines need to be more prominent to obtain more focus and vice versa.
(Nov, 2011) 3 hour study.
Again guidelines are my friend not my enemy and I find that increasingly so the teacher is almost always right. If I can throw away sense of pride/arrogance/rationalization and become like clay so that i can absorb the instructions, I may yet achieve even greater progress.
(Nov, 2011) 3 hour study.
The last Study for now, unless of course I seek it outside of everyday schooling.
I myself am quite pleased in the progress that has been made so far, but I am not satisfied, I can get better than this.
(Nov, 2011) Self Portrait 2 hours
I adapted and readapted the size of the skull many times to fit with how i saw and drew the facial features. The glasses bothered me the most in that i could not seem to get them to fit onto my head as big as i had initially drawn it. Unfortunately some residue charcoal drissled onto the drawing while scanning so the smudges are not intentional. I am not done with this portrait I think I can make it work for me.
Nov. 2012
A self portrait some time ago.
Simon says: Metabolism!