Color Theory

Oceanikakoffiny- Acrylic on paperscrap 2011
Our teacher put on 4 different songs and told us to paint what we felt during each song, this is my product.

The divine Comedy by Gustav Doré
(Nov, 2011) Thumbnails in Acrylic. I only got three out of six done. I blame the size I chose to paint them in.
The divine Comedy by Gustav Doré
(Nov, 2011)
I had to hurry up and choose a hue, that i thought would fit to the atmosphere of the picture. This was my final choice as i ran out of time to try out more variations. 

The divine Comedy by Gustav Doré
 (Nov, 2011)
The two thumbnails I did get done.

Still Leben with Acrylic 20-30 minutes
(Nov, 2011)
Still Leben with Acrylic 20-30 minutes
(Nov, 2011)

Still Leben with Acrylic 20-30 minutes
 (Nov, 2011)
A random manga drawing
(Nov, 2011)
I did not get the chance to use photoshop that day as all the computers were taken and so I had to instead try putting some values on a default picture with just lineart. I was lucky that I just happened to have some markers, which were actually pretty great for doing that kind of work. It felt a little too much like doing a coloring book though.
(Nov, 2011)
On the flipside.. Its easier to see and appreciate that I did indeed add value to the drawing.

(Nov, 2011)
Color schemes for the animated cartoon: Captain Awesome.