lørdag den 20. februar 2016

Long time overdue

It's been approximately 2 years since i graduated from Visual HF and started my journey down the path of the artist.

 I am currently applying to art academies in the most northern parts of Scandinavia and other locations around Europe excluding Denmark.

It will be my third year of application and my second (one and a half) year at Kunsthøjskolen på Ærø. I have come here in order to improve and expand my definition of art.
I have not been disappointed.
Art has become such a widely defined aspect that it may at some times become daunting and over whelming to even try to fathom it's scale.
Luckily it also means that Art is all encompassing so anything that I choose to do will not be wrong.

The difficulty lies for me in finding my place of repose, so that I may lay my weary teenage angst behind me, finally, after a well prolonged late blooming.

The myriad of choices, the cornucopia of influence and how to remain true to my own ambition and not be swept away in the clashing waves of historical force of artist that have come before me and are with me now.

The discerning reader might sense a tinge of frustration, with a dash of precipitant salt of teenage angst, this I can only assume is natural. From all the teachers I have had and my peers who put so much time and energy into some obscure projects, hoping to reach out and make it (whatever IT is), it is the artists life ( not so much for Koonts, Eliason and other well established artists) which is fraught with impending doom and peril at every turn, albeit of a slightly less direct fashion.
 Not always an immediate sense of deaths approach, but the death of creativity or lack of lust for creativity (creativity being taboo word, I guess it would be more appropriate to call it work.)

Art is a place of paradoxes and as I mentioned earlier, it is as if one must be a marble stone in an acid ocean of differing movements and opinions from artists, and throughout this corrosive bath, one is either swept away and dissolved or the tide retracts and leaves behind your newly defined shape, with which I can only imagine an immense contentedness is achieved.

I am in the midst of my bath as we speak. Whether or not being granted access to an academy will sound the retreat of the tide I have no knowledge, but perhaps I have yet to submerge myself entirely and as such am not willing or ready despite what I might like to think about my own abilities.

I digress constantly, bantering, ranting and raving as I go. Where to I do not yet know, but somewhere in a distant location lies my salvation. Perhaps it will be like a cheap morale to an old folks tale, that what I sought was right in front of me all along or that it was the journey, which was what mattered most. Or it may be a complete and utter waste of time all together as I am just a worrisome or dubious speck amongst my peer particles. Even so I have previously stated that I decide for myself what is and is not worth my time and worry.

I fear I may start repeating myself, so for now, I will let this be it and leave all those with the patience or interest perhaps a combination... With this picture of a stranded seal in an indeterminable space.

søndag den 20. november 2011

Boulder Room

Today I went to the official opening of the new boulder room at Viborg Idrætshøjskole, where my climbing club VKK has all their facilities, including said boulder room.
First I had to traverse the slope that passes over the lakes and then steeply continues past them.
My bike that I have worked hard to obtain and maintain is proving to be a trickster, in that my gears are very unresponsive.
This means if I don´t shift gears way before approaching the uphill part I come to a literally grinding halt as my chain jumps from sprocket to sprocket but never really settles down where it should. Minor nuisance, I guess I need to try and take care of that as well...
So I arrive at VKK pre-warmed from my uphill battle. I had hurried myself quite a bit since i did not want to be late. As I walk up the stairs to the boulder room, I can hear the mingle of many voices, and sure enough the room is crowded with some faces I know well and a lot that I have never seen before. The red ribbon is tied from one side of the room to the other. I came for the climbing, not so much the formalities of the opening ceremony. I had to remind myself that it would probably be a while before we were allowed to climb. So I venture into the Men´s changing room to get dressed. Two of my other climbing buddies are already getting changed and we make small talk surrounding the competition/event.
I had never been to a climbing competition, but this format was very social, because everyone who wanted to compete could do so simultaneously, if there was room. We were also allowed to help each other out with the different routes. So all in all a very fun event with 13 routes, 10 of which yours truly completed. A minor feat when compared to the first, second and third place scorers.
The three routes that I did not complete were unique. The first was very short and went upwards in a C shape. There was a big space between the 2nd last and 3rd last grip that I was not able to overcome with only a pinch grip to support me. The second route was the harshest route, as the grips themselves, were so rough that they cleaved flesh from bones (dramatization), and they were placed on the slanted loft, to put even more weight on the flesh of your fingers. Only the first prize winner Tobias managed after many a manly grunt to sling his long limbs across the ceiling to the final grip. The third route was a technically demanding and tested your stamina in its length across the room. My friend Asger spilled blood in his valiant attempt to conquer the route, but alas the finger had burst in a sudden jolt, aimed towards a grip, but hitting the wooden box on which it was mounted and thus ended his trials. As i write this entry my hands still aching and the fresh calluses ripped open by the fresh handholds I must admit that this is something I enjoy. Somewhat masochistic but monkeying around is what i do.
Ps. There was cake, chips, candy, fruit and soda! :P (I took a bunch of fruit home..)

Here is a link if you want to see more pictures from the event.

And here is the link to the coverage by the local tv station. Perhaps you can spot me...